Cannamoms are Cringey Moms - Cannabis for Maternal Wellness

Embracing the Cringey Mom Life: How Cannabis Supports Maternal Mental Health

Are you a mom who's been labeled as "cringe" or "cringey mom"? Guess what? That might just be the best compliment you've ever received! In this post, we'll explore why being a cringey mom is actually a sign that you're living your most authentic life. We'll also dive into how some moms are turning to natural remedies like cannabis, specifically CBD for moms and CBDA, to support your maternal mental health and combat the challenges of motherhood. And yes, we'll even touch on how some moms are finding relief with THC gummies aka “adult gummies” - to let loose and not stress about other people’s views of them.

The Rise of the Unapologetic Cringey Mom

We can all agree on the importance of self care for moms. High Society Mama is a huge advocate for moms to use cannabis and that cannabis is self care for cannamoms

What Does It Mean to Be a "Cringey Mom"? Much less a Cringey CannaMom

You've probably heard the phrase "mom is cringe" thrown around on social media. But what does it really mean? A cringey mom is someone who:

  • Embraces her quirks and imperfections: You're not afraid to be yourself, even if that means singing off-key during carpool or wearing mismatched socks to the grocery store.
  • Isn't afraid to be silly with her kids: You'll do the robot dance in the middle of the living room or use funny voices while reading bedtime stories, all to make your kids laugh.
  • Prioritizes her family's happiness over societal expectations: You don't care if other parents judge you for letting your kids wear superhero costumes to the park or for having dance parties in the kitchen instead of fancy dinners.

Being a cringey mom means you're real, relatable, and unapologetically you. It's about throwing away the pressure to be a "perfect" mom and embracing the beautiful mess that is motherhood.

Why Being a Cringey Mom is Actually Awesome

  1. You're living authentically: By embracing your cringey side, you're showing your true self to the world. This authenticity is refreshing in a social media age where everything often seems polished and perfect.
  2. You're teaching your kids to be themselves: When you're not afraid to be silly or make mistakes, you're sending a powerful message to your children. You're showing them that it's okay to be unique, to laugh at yourself, and to enjoy life without worrying about what others think.
  3. You're creating lasting memories: Think back to your own childhood. What do you remember most fondly? Chances are, it's the silly, spontaneous moments with your parents. By being a cringey mom, you're creating those same kinds of joyful memories for your kids.
  4. You're breaking down unrealistic expectations: Every time you post a photo of your messy living room or share a story about a parenting fail, you're helping other moms feel less alone. You're showing that it's okay not to have it all together all the time.
  5. You're fostering creativity and imagination: Cringey moms are often the ones who aren't afraid to think outside the box. Whether it's coming up with creative solutions to everyday problems or inventing wild bedtime stories, your cringey side can spark imagination in your whole family.

Motherhood Struggles: The Reality of Life Before CannaMom Life

Let's be real: parenting is hard.  …like REALLY HARD. Like riding a unicycle through a tornado while trying to put out a fire. And guess what? There's no one-size-fits-all solution to managing the stress, anxiety, and physical toll it takes. For some, it's yoga. For others, it's wine. For the High Society of Mamas, we like to use SOCIETY’s Plant. The goal? Being the best version of myself for my kids. So before you judge, ask yourself: Is it more important for a parent to fit a specific mold, or to be present, patient, and emotionally available?  

Motherhood Stress and Mommy Burnout

Motherhood is tough, and it's time we talked about it openly. Many moms experience:

Solution to Motherhood burnout is CBDA Softgels

That feeling of complete exhaustion, both physically and emotionally. It's when you've given so much of yourself that you feel like there's nothing left to give.

Mommy burnout with a side of mom guilt - time to try a Anti-Anxiety Edible for Moms

Similar to motherhood burnout, but often with an added layer of guilt for feeling this way. You might think, "I should be enjoying every moment," but the reality is that it's okay to admit that sometimes, motherhood is really hard. Our favorite edible for moms facing mommy burnout is the THCV Gummies aka Fucking Miracle Gummies.

Motherhood challenges: Mama Needs a CBN Sleep Gummy

From sleepless nights with a newborn to navigating the tumultuous teenage years, each stage of motherhood comes with its own unique set of challenges. It's not just about the big milestones; it's the daily grind that can wear you down. There is no denying a good night sleep makes a difference so we have the best CBN sleep gummy to help you get the most amazing night’s sleep that you deserve!

Struggles of motherhood: You are NOT ALONE - CannaMom Community is here for you

 These can include feeling isolated, losing your sense of self, financial stress, relationship strain, and the constant pressure to "do it all." It's the weight of responsibility that comes with raising tiny humans into well-adjusted adults. Motherhood is lonely but the community of moms who advocate for cannabis is here to support you. Known as the High Society of Mamas, this is your cannamom expert support network. 

Let's be real for a moment. Motherhood is beautiful, but it's also incredibly demanding. It's okay to admit that sometimes you feel overwhelmed, touched out, or like you're barely keeping your head above water. You're not alone in these feelings, and acknowledging them doesn't make you a bad mom – it makes you human.

Maternal Anxiety Needs Natural Xanax Alternative Solution

Anxiety is a common issue for many moms, manifesting as:

Anxiety when I wake up: 

That pit in your stomach as soon as you open your eyes, thinking about all you need to accomplish in the day ahead. The weight of expectations – both from others and yourself – can feel crushing before you've even had your morning coffee.

Motherhood anxiety: 

This can range from constant worry about your child's well-being to fear that you're not doing enough as a parent. It's the voice in your head that questions every decision, wondering if you're somehow "messing up" your kids.

Maternal anxiety: 

Often rooted in the immense love and protective instincts you have for your children, maternal anxiety can manifest as excessive worry about your child's health, safety, or future. It's the reason you check on your sleeping baby multiple times a night or feel a surge of panic when your toddler is out of sight for a split second.

Mom stress:

 This is the cumulative effect of all the responsibilities, expectations, and pressures that come with motherhood. It's the mental load of remembering doctor's appointments, school projects, and grocery lists, all while trying to maintain your own identity and relationships.

If you're experiencing any of these feelings, know that you're not alone. Maternal anxiety is incredibly common, but it's often not talked about openly. Many moms suffer in silence, thinking they should be able to handle everything without breaking a sweat. But the truth is, asking for help and finding ways to manage your anxiety doesn't make you weak – it makes you strong and self-aware. We have the BEST natural Xanax alternative to help you to cope with the anxiety of motherhood and how to overcome the judgment and mom shaming. 

Natural Remedies for Mom Stress: Enter Cannabis

More and more moms are turning to cannabis to support their mental health. Let's explore why "high moms" are becoming more common and accepted.

Cannabis for Moms: Breaking the Stigma

The term "high moms" might conjure up images of irresponsible parenting, but that couldn't be further from the truth. These are mothers who have made an informed decision to use cannabis, often in the form of CBD vs CBDA, to help manage the stresses and anxieties that come with motherhood. Some moms also find relief with THC-containing products, which we'll discuss later.

These moms aren't neglecting their responsibilities. Instead, they're using cannabis products mindfully to help them be more present, patient, and balanced parents. They're the moms who've found that a huge dose of CBD along with a microdose of THC helps them stay calm during their toddler's tantrum, or that CBDA softgels help ease their anxiety before a stressful parent-teacher conference.

By speaking openly about their cannabis use, these moms are helping to destigmatize a plant that has been unfairly demonized for decades. They're showing that responsible cannabis use can coexist with good parenting, and in many cases, even enhance it.

Microdose Gummies - Best Edibles for Moms

Moms are on the go and carrying the heavy motherhood mental load and so we have a microdose gummy that is specifically crafted with Moms in mind. The High Energy Microdose Gummy by SOCIETY’s Plant is the best microdose gummy for Moms because it combines CBG, THCV for weight loss and energy along with THC for moms to have the best high mom experience they could ever dream of. 

CBD for Moms: A Natural Anxiety Remedy

CBD, or cannabidiol, has gained popularity as a natural remedy for anxiety. Here's what you need to know:

Best CBD for anxiety: comparing CBDA vs CBD

 When looking for CBD to help with anxiety, opt for full-spectrum products that contain a range of cannabinoids for maximum effect. Always choose products from reputable companies that provide third-party lab testing results.

Natural cure anxiety: Low Dose THC

While "cure" is a strong word, many moms report that CBD and eve more so CBDA helps significantly reduce their anxiety symptoms. CBDA is 10x more powerful than CBD, so you can understand why we are such big fans of the SOCIETY CBDA softgels! CBDA for anxiety is a powerhouse that may help calm racing thoughts, ease physical tension, and promote a sense of overall well-being. Be careful not to consume high amounts of THC, because it can spike anxiety!

Natural remedy for anxiety: CBDA is Natural Xanax Alternative

CBD works by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating mood, sleep, and stress responses. This makes it a popular choice for those seeking a natural alternative to traditional anti-anxiety medications.

Natural anxiety herbs: Smoking CBD Hemp Flower

CBD is often used alongside other natural anxiety-reducing herbs like lavender, chamomile, and passionflower. This holistic approach can provide comprehensive support for managing mom stress and anxiety. It is fast acting when you smoke CBD Hemp flower so you might want to check out the options available in the guide: Can you smoke CBD hemp flower?

Remember, while CBD can be a helpful tool for managing anxiety, it's not a magic solution. It works best when combined with other stress-management techniques like exercise, meditation, and therapy.

What is CBDA vs CBD?

CBDA (cannabidiolic acid) is a precursor to CBD. Let's break down the differences:

CBDA: The Lesser-Known Cannabinoid - CBDA vs CBD

CBDA is the raw, unheated form of CBD. When cannabis plants are exposed to heat or sunlight, CBDA converts to CBD. Both have potential benefits, but some studies suggest that CBDA may be more potent in certain applications.

CBDA softgels vs CBD softgels: CBDA is Natural Xanax Alternative

CBDA softgels contain the raw, acidic form of the cannabinoid, while CBD softgels contain the activated form. Moms prefer CBDA softgels because they may offer 10x higher bioavailability, meaning your body can absorb and use more of the compound.

Benefits of CBDA

  • Natural anxiety remedies: Like CBD, CBDA is being explored for its potential anxiety-reducing properties. Some moms report that CBDA helps them feel calmer and more balanced throughout the day.
  • Potential xanax alternative: While it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before making any changes to prescribed medications, some people have found CBDA helpful in managing anxiety symptoms, potentially reducing their reliance on traditional anti-anxiety medications like Xanax.
  • Natural alternative for xanax: CBDA is non-intoxicating and doesn't carry the risk of dependency associated with benzodiazepines like Xanax. This makes it an appealing option for moms looking for natural ways to manage their anxiety.

Edibles for Moms: Exploring Low Dose THC Options

While CBD and CBDA are popular choices for moms due to their non-intoxicating nature, some moms find relief with THC-containing products as well. It's important to note that THC use comes with different considerations and potential risks, especially for breastfeeding mothers or those caring for young children.

Cannabis gummies: Low Dose THC Edibles for Moms

These edibles for moms offer a discreet and precise way to consume THC. They come in various ratios of THC to CBD, allowing moms to find the right balance for their needs.

Microdosing THC:

 Some moms find that very small doses of THC (microdosing) can help alleviate anxiety and stress without causing significant impairment.

Evening use: THC vs CBN for Sleep

Many moms who use THC products do so in the evening after their children are in bed, helping them unwind and get better sleep. We do NOT recommend taking THC right before falling asleep because it can effect your REM sleep cycle. Instead check out our recommendations of cannabis products for sleep and CBN gummies for sleep

It's crucial to emphasize that if you choose to use THC products, responsible use is paramount. Never drive or operate machinery while under the influence, and always ensure your children are safe and supervised.

How Cannabis Supports Maternal Mental Health

Combating Motherhood Stress

Cannabis, particularly THCV, CBD and CBDA, may help with:

  • Stressed out mom syndrome: By promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety, cannabis products can help take the edge off the daily stresses of motherhood.
  • Mom guilt: CBD may help quiet the inner critic, allowing moms to be more present and less self-judgmental.
  • Anxiety fatigue: Many moms report improved sleep and reduced physical tension when using cannabis products, helping combat the exhaustion that often comes with chronic anxiety.

Natural Anxiety Remedies for Moms: THCV Gummies are Miracle Gummies

Many moms are turning to cannabis as a:

  • Natural xanax option: For moms looking to avoid pharmaceutical anti-anxiety medications, CBD and CBDA offer a natural alternative. Some moms are enjoying the energizing and anti-anxiety effects of THCV gummies
  • Best natural remedy for anxiety: The combination of cannabinoids with other stress-management techniques can create a powerful toolkit for managing maternal anxiety.

Real-Life Example CannaMom Advocate: High Society Mama

High Society Mama is a perfect example of a mom living an unapologetic life while using cannabis to support her maternal mental health. She embodies the cringey mom lifestyle and isn't afraid to share her experiences. Through her social media presence, she's helping to normalize the idea of moms using cannabis responsibly to enhance their well-being and, by extension, their parenting.

Types of Cannabis Products for Moms

CBDA Softgels

CBDA softgels are gaining popularity among moms for their ease of use and potential benefits. They offer a convenient way to incorporate CBDA into your daily routine without the need for measuring or preparation.

CBD Tinctures For Moms: Functional Mushrooms for the Win

 These liquid extracts can be taken sublingually (under the tongue) for fast absorption. They offer flexibility in dosing and can be easily added to food or drinks. SOCIETY’s Plant CBD with functional mushrooms line of tinctures for moms are very popular and are the only products with 

The Best Low Dose THC Edibles for Moms: 

Society’s Plant adult gummies and low dose THC edibles selection offers a tasty way to consume cannabis with ease and discretion. They're especially popular among moms who prefer not to smoke or vape.

CBDA Topical - Powers of CBDA for Pain Relief 

CBDA is our favorite cannabinoid so why would we not also put it into a topical! Introducing our Magical Plant Salve CBDA Topicals this is a way that cannabis can be applied directly to the skin for localized relief from pain or tension. CBDA for pain relief is one of the most powerful uses of CBDA. 

Navigating the World of Cannabis as a Mom - Weed Mom Book as Your Guide

The best resource for new and canna-curious moms is Weed Mom Book as your guide or canna bestie. You can purchase it direct from the SOCIETY’s Plant hemp shop: Weed Mom Book. 

Finding the Right Cannabis Products for Moms 

SOCIETY’s Plant has the best resources and selections of microdose gummies and cannabis products for moms. You have come to the right place! Checkout our Edibles for Moms Guide. Remember to start with low doses: When it comes to cannabis, less is often more. Start with the lowest recommended dose and gradually increase if needed.

Canna-Moms Dealing with Stigma

  • Educate yourself and others: The more you know about cannabis and its effects, the better equipped you'll be to make informed decisions and discuss your choices with others.
  • Find supportive communities: High Society of Mamas is your online group or local meetups of like-minded moms who use cannabis. Having a support network can make a big difference.
  • Remember that your maternal mental health matters: At the end of the day, you're using cannabis to be a better, more balanced version of yourself. That's something to be proud of, not ashamed of.

Embracing Your Cringey Mom Status

Why Being "Cringe" is Actually Cool

  1. You're setting a positive example for your kids: By embracing your authentic self, quirks and all, you're teaching your children the value of self-acceptance.
  2. You're living life on your own terms: Cringey moms don't let societal expectations dictate their choices, whether it's about parenting styles or personal wellness routines.
  3. You're creating a more authentic parenting experience: When you're true to yourself, you create a home environment of honesty and openness, which can strengthen your bond with your children.

Tips for Embracing Your Cringey Mom Life

  1. Dance like no one's watching (even if your kids are): Let loose and have fun. Your kids will remember the joy, not the awkward moves.
  2. Share your silly moments on social media: By being open about your less-than-perfect moments, you help other moms feel less alone.
  3. Connect with other cringey moms: Find your tribe of fellow authentic, unapologetic mothers. Together, you can support each other in embracing your true selves.

Proud to Be a Cringey, Cannabis-Using Mom or CannaMom

Being a cringey mom who uses cannabis for mental health support is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it's something to be proud of! You're living authentically, tackling motherhood challenges head-on, and setting a positive example for your children.

Remember, whether you're dealing with motherhood stress, anxiety when you wake up, or general mom burnout, there are natural remedies available. From CBD for moms to CBDA softgels, and even THC-containing edibles for those who choose to use them, cannabis products offer potential relief from the struggles of motherhood.

So, embrace your cringey mom status, explore natural anxiety remedies like CBD and CBDA, and remember that taking care of your mental health makes you a better mom. After all, a happy mom means a happy family!

And to all the moms out there feeling alone or criticized: you're not alone. Your experiences are valid, your struggles are real, and it's okay to seek help and support. Whether that support comes in the form of a supportive community, therapy, or exploring natural remedies like cannabis, remember that you deserve to feel balanced, happy, and authentically you.

Here's to all the proud, cringey, cannabis-using moms out there. You're doing an amazing

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