Burning Man Canna-Mom Stands up to Mom Shaming
Living an Authentic Mom Life: Mom Shaming and Self-Discovery thru International Publicity
I've always believed in living life authentically and sharing my experiences to help inspire fellow mothers. Little did I know that my commitment to this authenticity would lead me into the eye of a storm that would challenge my beliefs, test my resilience, and ultimately reaffirm my dedication to empowering mothers everywhere. I am Bianca Snyder, owner of Society’s Plant and best known on social media as High Society Mama and I want to share my story of standing up to social media mom shaming and how I have leveraged my experience to help you to be more resilient and live your best authentic mom life, as well!
The Burning Man Mom Controversy: When Motherhood Meets Counterculture
Picture this: a vast desert landscape, filled with art installations that defy imagination, and a community of free spirits coming together to celebrate creativity and human connection. This is Burning Man, an event that has captured my heart and become an integral part of my family's life. But when I decided to bring my son, Tage, to this "playground of possibilities," I inadvertently ignited a firestorm of controversy that would spread far beyond the playa.
This article from the LA Times covered the social media mom shaming over my choices to live an authentic mom life.
Canna-Mom Truth: Living Your Best Authentic Mom Life Takes Thick Skin
The moment I shared our Burning Man adventures on social media, the floodgates opened. Comments poured in, ranging from supportive to downright cruel. Suddenly, my parenting choices were under scrutiny by strangers who had never met me or my son. The criticism was relentless, questioning my ability as a mother and the appropriateness of exposing a child to such an environment. The severity of the threats including comments such as “someone needs to call child protective services” is what is most hurtful to experience as a mom.
Canna-Mom Truth - Parenting Comes with Sacrifices, but I’m not upset to give up the Orgy Dome for My Motherhood Journey
As reported by Business Insider, one commenter quipped, "Cool he can go to the orgy," while another added, "Y'all are wilding! Bad parenting 101." These reactions exemplify the knee-jerk judgments and misconceptions that many have about Burning Man and alternative parenting choices. I will go so far to promote Society’s Plant full spectrum CBD Passion Gummies as the best edibles for sex, but you will NEVER find my kid in the orgy dome - that is ridiculous!
The interview that I had with Business Insider allowed me to set the record straight and in the article I felt I educated and de-mystified the fears about Burning Man and also addressed the mom shaming. To be clear - in 12 years at Burning Man, I have (surprisingly) never visited the elusive orgy dome, so I can assure anyone that is concerned that my kid will not be visiting it either!
The Irony of Mom-Shaming: When Taking a Stand on Social Media Leads to More Shame
In a twist of irony that would be almost comical if it weren't so painful, my attempt to discuss the experience of mom-shaming only led to more intense criticism. It was as if by acknowledging the issue, I had painted a target on my back for every judgmental keyboard warrior out there.
Canna-Mom Truth - Listening to the Judgement of Others Significantly Increases Risk of Mommy Burnout
"Make it make sense," I found myself thinking, as I scrolled through comment after comment. The very act of standing up against mom-shaming had become a catalyst for even more vitriol. It was a stark reminder of the work that still needs to be done in fostering a supportive community for mothers.
Challenging Perceptions: Burning Man Through a Child's Eyes
Despite the criticism, I stand firm in my belief that Burning Man can be an incredible experience for children. As I told Scary Mommy, "Burning Man is everything you didn't know you needed, but it is definitely a place for kids of all ages. If you are NOT ready to release your inner child into the wild, then you should probably stay home and watch TV."
Check out the Scary Mommy article: This Canna-mom was Mom Shamed for Bringing Her kid to Burning Man
Canna-Mom Truth: Authentic Mom Life - When I’m true to myself, I teach my kid to be true to himself
Cafe Mom article: Woman Who Takes Her 7-Year-Old to Burning Man Every Year Claps Back at Mommy Shamers
Taken from the Cafe Mom article…
‘Someone even took it as far as suggesting that they should call Child Protective Services. While Snyder took it very seriously, it also encouraged her to double down on her convictions.
Now, she is dedicated to using her platform to not only raise awareness about mom-shaming, she wants to inspire other families to “live an alternative lifestyle.”’
Canna-Mom Truth: Drop The Mom Guilt - The day I stopped feeling guilty was the day I started parenting better.
Our experiences at Burning Man are far from the drug-fueled debauchery that critics imagine. As reported by Cafe Mom, Tage and I mostly bike around the desert, exploring art installations. This annual adventure has significantly boosted his socialization skills and allowed other festival-goers to witness the joy of Burning Man through a child's eyes.
The Heart of Burning Man: Community, Creativity, and Connection
To truly understand why I choose to bring my child to Burning Man, one must look beyond the surface-level assumptions and delve into the core values that the event embodies. As I've written in a social media caption before:
"Where to begin with a Burning Man reintegration post… I love to read people's reflections and posts after Burning Man. This is because it is a place that cuts open your core and helps you to see all the beauty in the world around you. It helps to feel connected in the amazing human experience we are all taking part of. It reminds you of the creativity and wonder that is possible for humanity because it is so abundant in one location."
This sense of wonder and connection is something I believe is invaluable for a child's development. At Burning Man, Tage is exposed to a world of limitless creativity, kindness, and community spirit – lessons that extend far beyond the temporary city in the desert.
Nurturing Independence: A Child's Journey at Burning Man
One of the most rewarding aspects of our Burning Man experiences has been watching Tage grow and develop his sense of independence. This year marked a significant milestone:
"I love exploring with my son Tage, and this year he learned to ride a bike and had his own bike to venture out on his own (within an agreed upon boundary) - growing his independence and expanding his taste for solo adventure!"
Canna-Mom Truth: Plot twist: My 'irresponsible' choices made me a more present parent (ie Moms smoke weed and Mom Adventure with Kid)
These moments of growth and self-discovery are precisely why I continue to bring Tage to Burning Man. It's not about exposing him to adult situations; it's about providing a unique environment where he can learn, explore, and develop critical life skills under our watchful and loving guidance.
Mom Anxiety from the Media Frenzy: When Mom Shaming Becomes Public Debate
As our story gained traction, it wasn't long before major media outlets picked up on the controversy. The New York Post ran a headline that encapsulated the sensationalism surrounding our story: "I got mom-shamed for bringing my son to Burning Man — he's 7."
The Daily Mail dug even deeper into our history with Burning Man, highlighting a photo from 2018 of me breastfeeding Tage, then 22 months old, on the playa. This image, which I see as a beautiful moment of motherhood displaying cannamoms breastfeeding at Burning Man, sparked intense debate and criticism.
The Daily Mail article emphasizes my thick skin for the harsh words and handling the public debate over my “questionable” parenting choices, but also my ability to clap back at the mom shaming.
When Mom-Shaming Crosses the Line: Facing Threats and Extreme Criticism
Just when I thought I'd seen the worst of the mom-shaming storm, I encountered a level of criticism that left me truly shaken. As reported by Cafe Mom, some commenters on my Tiktok post about Burning Man mom shaming, went as far as suggesting that Child Protective Services should be called.
Canna-Mom Truth: There is no threat worse for a cannamom than Child Protective Services (the horror stories!)
Let that sink in for a moment. Complete strangers on the internet, with no firsthand knowledge of my parenting or my child's well-being, felt entitled to suggest that my choices warranted government intervention. This wasn't just a difference of opinion anymore; it was an attack on my fundamental right to parent my child as I see fit.
"I have so much compassion for all the mothers out there trying their best, but still being criticized for their choices," I wrote in one of my posts on High Society Mama, and never had those words rung truer than in that moment.
Canna-Mom Truth: Weaponizing Child Protective Services Against Mothers is Rampant Amongst Cannamoms - BEWARE
These threats, veiled under a false concern for child welfare, represent the darkest side of mom-shaming. They go beyond mere disagreement and venture into the realm of emotional abuse and intimidation. It's a tactic designed to instill fear and doubt in mothers, to make us second-guess our every decision.
In an article by ABC News titled, Inside the Trend of Parent Shaming states that: Data shows the overwhelming majority of calls about abuse placed to Child Protective Services (CPS) are without merit. Calls to report possible cases of child abuse are up to 3.5 million per year, an increase of nearly 12 percent since 2009, but the cases of actual abuse are down four percent, to 679,000, according to CPS data.
Canna-Mom Truth: Threats to call CPS is not an acceptable way to treat a mom or to comment on a mother's choices. Ever.
The irony is palpable. Those threatening to call CPS in the name of child protection are the same ones causing immense stress and emotional turmoil to a mother – factors that have a far more direct impact on a child's well-being than a carefully planned trip to Burning Man or a mom taking a few puffs off a joint, ever could.
This experience has reinforced my belief in the urgent need for a shift in how we, as a society, approach differences in parenting styles. It's a stark reminder that behind every social media post, every parenting decision that becomes public fodder, there's a real person – a mother doing her best to raise happy, healthy children.
As I persevere, despite the haters, I'm more committed than ever to fostering a community where mothers support each other, where we can share our unique journeys without fear of such extreme backlash. Because at the end of the day, we're all in this together, trying to raise the next generation as best we can.
CannaMoms Experience the Spectrum of Mom-Shaming
As I navigated the storm of criticism for bringing Tage to Burning Man, I couldn't help but notice the parallels between this experience and the judgment I've encountered over the stigma surrounding moms who use cannabis.
As a cannabis entrepreneur, cannabis influencer and cannabis for moms advocate - I've seen firsthand how mothers are often unfairly criticized and mom shamed for incorporating cannabis into their lives. The judgments come fast and furious, much like the comments about Burning Man: "What kind of mother uses drugs?" "How can you be a good parent if you're high?" These accusations sting just as much as being told I'm a bad mother for exposing my child to Burning Man's unique environment.
Canna-Mom Truth: Sometimes the best parenting move is doing what YOU love
The truth is, whether it's choosing to bring your child to a transformative festival or deciding to use cannabis for wellness or relaxation, mothers face an uphill battle against societal expectations and outdated stereotypes.
In my LA Times feature, it read "Bianca Snyder urges moms to be confident using the 'devil's lettuce' and slam sancti-mommies who shame her for taking her son to Burning Man every year." This statement encapsulates the core of my mission: empowering mothers to make choices that work for them, whether that's in parenting styles or personal wellness routines.
Canna-Mom Truth: Experiencing any mom shaming online or offline, from strangers or family…SUCKS
Mom Shaming Misconceptions:
Just as people assume Burning Man is solely a drug-fueled party, many believe cannabis use automatically equates to irresponsible parenting.
Mom Shaming is Judgment without understanding:
Critics are quick to condemn without taking the time to understand the benefits or context of these choices.
Mom Shaming Consists of Threats and Fear-mongering:
The threats of calling CPS over Burning Man attendance mirror the fears many cannabis-using mothers, aka cannamoms, have about legal repercussions or losing custody.
Mom Shaming Impact on Maternal Mental Health:
The stress of constant judgment affects mothers' mental health, whether it's about festival attendance or cannabis use.
Mom Shaming is a Sign That We Need Education:
Both issues highlight the crucial need for public education to dispel myths and reduce stigma.
Advocating for Cannamoms to Live an Authentic Mom Life is My Purpose
By standing firm in my choices - both in bringing my son to Burning Man and in advocating for cannabis use - I hope to pave the way for other moms to feel confident in their decisions. Whether it's embracing alternative experiences with our children or choosing plant-based wellness to elevate our motherhood journey, we deserve support, not shame.
As mothers, we're constantly bombarded with unsolicited advice and judgment. But here's the Mom truth: You know what's best for you and your family. Whether you're dancing in the desert with your little one or unwinding and relaxing with cannabis or after a long day of parenting, you deserve to make these choices without fear of criticism.
Canna-Mom Truth: You are not a bad mom for smoking weed
Let's continue to challenge these outdated notions of what makes a "good mother." Let's create a world where we support each other's choices, celebrate our differences, and recognize that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting or personal wellness. Remember my cannamom inspirational mantra:
“When we normalize plant medicine for moms, that's when it will be normalized for all of SOCIETY” - Bianca aka High Society Mama
Embracing the Challenge: Turning Canna-Mom Criticism into Empowerment
In the face of relentless criticism, I've come to realize that this experience, as difficult as it has been, serves a greater purpose:
"The amount of media I got about Mom Shaming was a GIFT to PUSH ME to build up MY CONFIDENCE and also empower me to DO BETTER in my mission to inspire mothers to be confident in their choices."
This realization has been transformative. Each negative comment has only fueled my determination to stand up for mothers everywhere who face similar scrutiny for their parenting choices,or for Moms who use cannabis (or at least try the THC microdose gummies from SOCIETY).
The Power of Compassion: Understanding the Critics of Your Authentic Mom Life
In navigating this storm of criticism, I've learned the importance of approaching even the harshest comments with compassion:
"I have to read the comments with compassion, knowing that they don't know what they don't know and they only have the input from the media and what they have heard about Burning Man (or cannabis, remember the D.A.R.E. program?)…which, I don't understand how a place with so much beauty, wonder and creativity (a plant with such great healing potential) could get such a negative rep, but that is life."
Canna-Mom Truth: CBDA is my natural Xanax option to relieve my Mom Stress
This perspective above, allowed me to maintain my composure and respond to criticism with grace and understanding, even when it's challenging to do so. But, the real superstar is SOCIETY’s Plant Raw CBDA Softgels - which is the only natural remedy for anxiety that I use on the daily! That is the true secret to my calm.
Building a Supportive Canna-mom Community: join the High Society of Mamas
Amidst the negativity, I've been heartened by the outpouring of support from those who understand and appreciate our choices:
"Thank you to everyone who has had kind and encouraging words to contribute. I appreciate you and it's always great to hear the positive to offset the negative."
These supportive voices remind me of the importance of fostering a community where mothers can share their experiences without fear of judgment. It's a testament to the power of connection and mutual understanding and I have cultivated a beautiful community amongst the High Society of Mamas on Instagram. You can buy your High Society of Mamas CannaMom advocacy apparel here in the SOCIETY’s Plant Mama shop.
The Big Picture: Advocating for Maternal Mental Health Confidence to Power Through Mommy Burnout
Through this experience, I've been reminded of the crucial work that lies ahead in empowering mothers to trust their instincts and stand firm in their parenting decisions:
"I dedicate a lot of time to advocating for mothers to be confident in their choices of how they parent and in choosing plant medicine as a tool to improve our wellbeing."
This advocacy has taken on new meaning in light of recent events. It's not just about defending my own choices anymore; it's about creating a world where all mothers feel empowered to make decisions that align with their values and beliefs.
Canna-Mom Truth: The Emotional Toll of Overcoming Mom Shame and Mommy Burnout is REAL real!
I won't lie; this experience has been tough. As if parenting isn't challenging enough, facing such extreme criticism and threats is not something any mom should have to endure.
"I still have all sorts of emotions from this experience. As if parenting isn't hard enough…having people criticize my parenting with threats THIS EXTREME in the comments is not something I wish on any Mom."
It's given me thick skin, but I'd be lying if I said it still didn't sting. However, it also fueled my motivation. I'm more determined than ever to encourage others not to be discouraged by societal norms. After all, we don't create change by keeping quiet.
Lessons from the Playa: What Burning Man Taught Me About Confidence in Motherhood
Burning Man, with its principles of radical self-reliance and communal effort, offers valuable lessons that translate beautifully into parenting:
- Embrace creativity and self-expression
- Foster a sense of community and belonging
- Encourage independence within safe boundaries
- Cultivate adaptability and resilience
- Celebrate diversity in all its forms
These principles have guided my parenting journey, both on and off the playa, shaping my approach to raising a confident, compassionate, and open-minded child.
The Journey Continues: Moving Forward with Strength and Purpose
As I reflect on this whirlwind experience, I'm filled with a sense of gratitude for the growth it has inspired:
"So, THANK YOU for challenging me! When you SAFELY take your kid to Burning Man for his 5th Burn and you dedicate your career to helping Moms to be confident in their choices to live life on YOUR TERMS or be confident in consuming plant medicine… But, the internet shames you for it so much that multiple articles were written about the Mom Shaming you experienced… Follow for tips on building confidence as a Mom 'doing life your way'"
This journey has reinforced my commitment to living authentically and inspiring others to do the same. It's a reminder that the path less traveled often leads to the most profound discoveries – about ourselves, our children, and the world around us.
Call to Action for Cannamoms: Stand United Against Mom-Shaming
As we move forward, I invite you – fellow mothers, fathers, caregivers, and allies – to join me in creating a more supportive and understanding world for parents everywhere. In response to the mom-shaming I've experienced, I've developed a set of tips that I shared on TikTok:
- Trust your instincts: You know your child and your journey better than anyone else.
- Surround yourself with support: Seek out people who respect your parenting choices.
- Encourage confidence: Help other mothers feel confident in their choices instead of criticizing them.
- Prioritize mental health: Take care of yourself as you navigate the challenges of parenting.
- Practice empathy: Before judging another parent's choices, pause and consider their unique circumstances.
High Moms: Embracing the Authentic Mom Life
As I close this chapter of my journey, I'm filled with hope for the future – a future where mothers are celebrated, supported in their choices, and empowered to live authentically. The road may not always be easy, but it's a path worth taking.
To every mother out there facing judgment or self-doubt, remember this: You know your child best. Trust your instincts, embrace your unique journey, and know that you are not alone. Together, we can create a world where every mom feels confident in her choices and supported in her parenting journey.
1 comment
I am a PROUD Cannamom/Cringe Mom/ A MOM who IS the DAMN VILLAGE, and uses cannabis to be more present, happier, more engaged in activities with my 8 yr old son (like soccer practice right now as I type this message and cooking dinners with him every week night, and games on the weekends, and all the other activities we do together)! I stand with you and ALL my fellow cannamoms out here! 💃🏻♥️
Most importantly- I think you are a WONDERFUL mother, kind, nurturing, and here for it all.
We have this one life to live. It’s not that long. I say, we live it up and do what we know is good for us and our little ones.
I’m proud of you girl. ♥️
All the respect in the land,
Crystal Lugo
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